Monday, April 13, 2009

From Flute to Conch

A friend of mine who is a brilliant writer of words, wrote a book on music. He got so obsessed with his music making and generating and revering the raags that till date he has been busy weaving the web of words to adore his acquired knowledge. That made me wonder, just when will a person realize the difference between a flute and a conch? Flute player creates beautiful raags but obsession makes him lose the ability to listen – the bane of the music maker. Conch can be used to give a call like calling cows home or a battle cry against all that is not good. It is difficult to be obsessed with a conch cause it creates sound with a purpose as opposed to sound for taste (raas)Just when will my friend and good friends like him move from flute to conch I wonder ?Hence, the hint “veet-Raag-bhaya-krodha”.